Just My Random Thoughts

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

You better watch out, you better not cry....

Christmas is coming and I'm almost ready for it. I have one more gift ordered that should be delivered in the next day or two and the shopping will be done. What decorating we're doing is done. What baking I'm doing is done.

All that's left to do is the newsletter and cards and I hope to finish that this weekend.


The church party is Sunday night. I'm supposed to take dinner rolls. This will probably be our last service at the congregation we've attended for the last eight years. John has resigned as worship leader and we're going to start visiting other congregations tonight.

It's really been sad to watch what had been a vibrant growing congregation slowly disintegrate. We've gone from an average Sunday morning attendance of nearly 200 to barely 100 in less than two years. For the last nine months or so the families with preteens and teens have been leaving in search of youth programs that are going forward. Now they've announced that they are drastically cutting the missions budget and that's going to cost us three or four more families. I know of at least two more families that will leave within the next year. And the people who are leaving are the ones who work. It's getting down to the pew warmers.

John and I are starving to death on Ken's steady offering of spiritual skim milk. We need the "meat of the word" and he can't / won't provide that in his lessons so we are going elsewhere as well.

Hope Santa understands.


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