Just My Random Thoughts

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


For a long time, the approach of a holiday hasn't bothered me. Once I hit adulthood and went to work full time, it just wasn't as much fun. School holidays tend to last longer than work holidays.
But now I find myself really anticipating holidays. Part is the break from the routine of work. A lot of it stems from knowing I'll see Melody and Alice tomorrow evening. I'm even looking forward to Christmas, but not because of the gifts. We're going for another cruise over the Christmas holidays and that's what has my attention then.

In the meantime I'm playing with my new work computer. It takes time to customize it the way I want it, especially while getting used to the touchpad and keyboard. It's SO much faster than the dinosaur. It was so frustrating to know I could get much more done but my equipment couldn't keep up with me. It's a good thing I'm working faster now. As of Nov 1 I'm handling a project that is really time-consuming. When I had to do it on the dinosaur I was afraid I wouldn't be able to meet all my deadlines. Now that isn't an issue.

And the Christmas shopping is coming along. I have only a half dozen or so things to pick up (and several things ordered that haven't yet arrived) and I'll be done. Well, except for candy. I like to wait until closer the holiday to get the candy in hopes it will be a little fresher than stuff that's been on the shelf since Halloween.


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