Just My Random Thoughts

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day tradition

John and I spent the weekend at Milltown on Lake Hartwell. It was just the two of us this year. Now that the camping crew from PCCC has dispersed to three or four different congregations we weren't able to organized a group camp out this year.

We got there in time to set up before eating supper on Friday and got home in time for lunch yesterday. Other than fixing meals and taking a walk, we did a lot of nothing for three days. Now THAT's a vacation.

Friday, May 26, 2006


So there I was, sitting in my sewing room/office trying to get some work done, and I hear strange noises outside. I get up, open the blinds a little more, and there's a backhoe digging in our front yard.

John went out to investigate. It seems the county is replacing PVC water pipe with copper pipe on their side of the meter.

I'd seen evidence of a lot of digging around the neighborhood and wondered was was going on. Now I know.

He didn't have to dig a lot so that yard isn't ruined or anything. It sounds like the neighbor's yard (the blue house) had large rocks around the pipes. He's really banging around.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Garden Journal - 4th week of May

All of the flower boxes and hanging pots are planted. The first planting of radishes are beginning to mature. I now have pavers base and bricks to finish the raised flower beds.

The only real problem is with the melons. I've planted them three times and not a single seed has sprouted. They are new seeds, packed for 2006. I may have to get another package of seed. This was one of the premium hybrids and I might have better luck with "garden variety" cantaloupes.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Dark Journey, Deep Grace: Jeffrey Dahmer's Story of Faith by Roy Ratcliff, Lindy Adams

I read Roy Ratcliff's book this weekend. It's very moving and provides serious food for thought. The author says he debated whether or not to write it, but I'm glad he did.

I do take issue with one aspect of the book. Brother Ratcliff is critical of people who ask if Jeffrey Dahmer's conversion was sincere. I understand his point and he's right on one level, but I can't help but remember my reaction when I heard the Jeffery had been baptized. I, too, asked if he was sincere, but not from the point of doubting he was incapable of repentance. I asked because of my own doubt. If he wasn't sincere, the issue was dead. But if he was sincere, and God can forgive him, then there's hope for me.

What impressed me most was the wisdom Brother Ratcliff displayed in working with Jeffrey. He describes himself down as naive, but Jeffrey asked some questions I would have trouble answering satisfactorily. I think he showed great insight into what Jeffrey was really asking. I feel good about my daughter being part of his home congregation. She can ask some difficult questions, and I now know there is someone there who can help her find the answers.

And I hope Jeffrey's father and brother can find some peace. I know Jeffrey has found his.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Menopause, The Musical

If you are looking for an excuse to laugh non-stop for 90 minutes, go see Menopause, The Musical. It's playing on stages all over the country.

The entire play takes place in Bloomingdales in NYC. Four women from entirely different backgrounds meet at Bloomies and discover they have something in common - menopause. The show features a couple dozen "golden oldies" with lyrics rewritten to fit the story.

For more information, to go MenopauseTheMusical.com and click away.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Garden Journal - 1st week of May

The tomatoes and peppers are finally in the ground. I also finished putting all the annuals I bought in pots to set around the lilacs and on the fence posts.

In other news, the hot tub is working again. I was really missing that. It's leaking about an inch of water a day, but I can still use it while we work on fixing that.

Friday, May 05, 2006

a Theory

In our Bible study on Wednesday evening we were discussing demon possession and I began developing a theory.

Personally, I believe demon possession is still possible just as it was in the first century. We observed in class that the New Testament accounts of demon possession indicate that only through Jesus's name can demons be driven out, and even then the "driver" has to be a believer in Jesus. Furthermore, it teaches that once the demon is gone something has to take his place or he can return and bring his buddies with him, and the victim is in worse shape than before.

The Old Testament doesn't say much about demon possession. It may be that there was no successful treatment (since Jesus hadn't yet come to earth) for it so it didn't merit much attention. The two instances that immediately come to my mind are King Saul and Nebuchanezzar. In both cases, scripture says the evil spirit was sent by God. It appears that the purpose was to make them see what they were doing wrong. It apparently was more effective for Nebuchanezzar because God saw fit to exorcise him and put him back on his throne. Saul died in the grip of the demon.

Now for my theory.

Demons respond to Jesus's intervention. Muslims reject Jesus. Perhaps this is the reason for their fanatic behavior that Western people have trouble understanding. Because they reject the cure, they may be more susceptible to demonic possession.

This would explain their intense hatred of all things Christian including western civilization and their willingness to kill themselves to kill Christians.

Which raises a question. How do we effectively wage a war against demonic terrorists?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Garden Journal - 4th week of April

Replanted melons. Planted another package of beans and another batch of radishes, lettuce, carrots, and onions.

The beans I planted earlier are about 8 inches high. The salad fixin's are up as are the cucumbers.

The flower bed I finished last month is looking good. All of the plants lived and are growing. I think I'll use some of the apple tree trunk pieces as hardscape in the flower garden and out front.