Just My Random Thoughts

Friday, May 05, 2006

a Theory

In our Bible study on Wednesday evening we were discussing demon possession and I began developing a theory.

Personally, I believe demon possession is still possible just as it was in the first century. We observed in class that the New Testament accounts of demon possession indicate that only through Jesus's name can demons be driven out, and even then the "driver" has to be a believer in Jesus. Furthermore, it teaches that once the demon is gone something has to take his place or he can return and bring his buddies with him, and the victim is in worse shape than before.

The Old Testament doesn't say much about demon possession. It may be that there was no successful treatment (since Jesus hadn't yet come to earth) for it so it didn't merit much attention. The two instances that immediately come to my mind are King Saul and Nebuchanezzar. In both cases, scripture says the evil spirit was sent by God. It appears that the purpose was to make them see what they were doing wrong. It apparently was more effective for Nebuchanezzar because God saw fit to exorcise him and put him back on his throne. Saul died in the grip of the demon.

Now for my theory.

Demons respond to Jesus's intervention. Muslims reject Jesus. Perhaps this is the reason for their fanatic behavior that Western people have trouble understanding. Because they reject the cure, they may be more susceptible to demonic possession.

This would explain their intense hatred of all things Christian including western civilization and their willingness to kill themselves to kill Christians.

Which raises a question. How do we effectively wage a war against demonic terrorists?


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