Just My Random Thoughts

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Time for my monthly post...

7 things to do before I die:
-visit the Holy Land
-tell my grandchildren what their parents were like as kids
-finish the quilt I've been working on for 10 years
-play golf again
-make the sunroom usable
-create a flower garden that actually blooms
-visit Scotland and England

7 things I can do:
-decorate cakes
-make people laugh
-throw surprise parties

7 things I can't do:
-fly a plane
-hit a baseball unless it's on a tee
-catch anything thrown at me
-wiggle my ears
-watch "White Christmas" without crying at the end
-hit the C two octaves above middle C
-ride a bike uphill

7 things that I love about the opposite sex (or at least the ones in my family):
-they are honest
-they are kind
-they are Christians
-they help around the house
-they take care of my car
-they answer my stupid questions about sports
-they clean up real nice

7 things I say most often:
-Be Careful!
-huggy huggy
-I'm game.
-something catty
-No problem.
-Sweet puppy.
-You don't love me anymore.

7 people/groups who have impacted my life (in chronological order):
-Mrs. Graham (2nd grade teacher)
-Fred Bennett (preacher when I was little)
-Mrs. DeLong (8th grade English teacher)
-Jim Woodroof (preacher at College church when I was at Harding)