Just My Random Thoughts

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

July's a stinker

I'm about ready to cancel the rest of July. It's not been all bad, but it's trying.

The daughter of friends was hit by a drunk driver Sunday night. She was declared braindead yesterday afternoon. After harvesting organs for transplant they disconnected the ventilator. The funeral will be tomorrow morning. She leaves a husband, a son not yet 2 years old, her parents, and two sisters. She was a kind, warm, sweet young woman who loved her family and lit up when her son was in the room. I will miss her.

Then I found out that half the team we sent to Mexico on a mission trip last week came home sick. They've narrowed it down to something they ate at a particular restaurant on Friday afternoon.

Next comes the news that my brother-in-law has had a heart attack at some time and is undergoing tests to find out how bad it was and what they can do to prevent another one.

And two hurricanes are headed this way.

Gimme a break!


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